From candle to Xmas tree magic

From candle to Xmas tree magic

For all you impassioned DIYers out there, here’s an idea that offers a 100% satisfaction Xmas tree guarantee. It takes a tiny bit of finesse, but the amazing effect makes it so much worthwhile.

Get your DIY degree in creating a Xmas tree now and start carefully cutting the ‘boughs’ one by one, and watch the tree emerge from a simple candle.

And while you’re at it, why not make an entire tablescape of trees, a beautiful still life on a table, an eye catcher on the window ledge. Or make four of them for a beautiful Advent wreath.


If you’re dreaming of a white Xmas, imagine a winter wonderland using white candles. Or you can use pink or mixed colour candles for a colourful Xmas.

So, get going. Please try this at home. Just promise you’ll be careful with the knife.

How to

How to

1. Put the candles in the bowl of water to soften them.

2. Take one of the candles out and dry it.

3. Turn the candle upside down and shave it gently.

4. Place the candle in the candleholder.

What you will need

More jolly inspiration?

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